MBAACC C-Arcueid combos and mixups

Описание к видео MBAACC C-Arcueid combos and mixups

Some interesting combos and mixups. Tried to copy Numakie with the heart transitions but they didn't come out too well lol.

00:00 Pretty long combo that starts off of a throw and ends in a hard knockdown into safe jump setup. The opponent can't circuit spark out of it so it's good to use it if you want to run out C/F moon max meter or H moon's heat meter.

00:15 Yeah, c-arc has whiff A combos too. Doesn't even that add that much damage but it sure looks cool.

00:28 Another whiff A combo but it ends with j.2c instead of a 236a or 623A. As you can see, you can tech punish with 63214A afterwards.

00:42 Cross up mix up after 623C.

01:05 Same as previous mix up. Use if you think the opponent is gonna wake up heat like a scrub.

01:26 Another cross up mixup after 623C.

01:42 Fake cross up after 623C

02:05 lol


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