StarCraft II Adaptive Forces Death Wish Challenge (The Evacuation)

Описание к видео StarCraft II Adaptive Forces Death Wish Challenge (The Evacuation)

Immortality Shielding. gain 50 Shields that take a max of 10 damage per hit. attacks regenerate 1 shield per unit hit
ATVX Pressuriser. attacks are 50% wider and 66% longer

New Marine Upgrades
Hunting Mark. gain +1 range, +20 Hp, +4 damage vs light and periodicly applies a Hunter's Mark to the highest hp enemy light unit within a range of 8 causing it to take 25% more damage from all sources this effect can stack (25% → 50% → +75% etc) and lasts forever.
When the marked unit dies a random unit near the killing unit gains +10% attack speed/healing for 15 seconds. (prioritizes unbuffed units)

High Calibre Rounds. high damage slow weapon that uses ammo. Has up to 5 ammo and has -20% movements speed while not at full ammo. Reload starts automatically and is cancelled when attacking


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