ENGLISH PRACTICE EXAM with Jason (Chili) & Feroze Ashraff (NZ) by Hanindi Fajrina (B) & Moh Rafly(C)

Описание к видео ENGLISH PRACTICE EXAM with Jason (Chili) & Feroze Ashraff (NZ) by Hanindi Fajrina (B) & Moh Rafly(C)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
First of all I couldn't say enough to Allah SWT who has given us the good day until we could pass our english practice exam well.
Also for our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the Jahiliah era to the Islamiyah era.

The secondly, we would like to say thank you to all of teacher who has participated to this program and helped us to pass this program well.

It's our first time to join to english practice exam and talk with foreigner, and we're so excited to join this program because we can talk with the foreigner and we can learn from them.
It will be unforgettable moment and I hope we can be better day by day.

Here we're talking about many topics, such as, Tourism places, Traditional foods and story about Borobudur Temple.
For more you can watch our video. ☺️

Thank you for watching, and we do apologize for all mistakes that we made 🙏🏻


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