Reclaim & Maintain Your Standards

Описание к видео Reclaim & Maintain Your Standards

STANDARDS ... Let's have a chat.

Yes, I love to present well. It's what I do. It's who I am.

Sure, when I walk into a room, on occasion, I may appear over dressed. Over groomed.

But this is MY standard I'm holding myself accountable to. Not the standard of others, & certainly not the 'normally acceoted' standard.

I own my standard. In this case, I wear it 😂

And I will not allow the thoughts of others' influence or interfere with it.

The same applies to your biz & your biz standards. Let them slip & your biz becomes loose.

What standards do you hold near & dear?
Which standards do you need to invest in some effort to reclaim or maintain?

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Chat soon!

Megan Savill
The Business Confidante

#TheBusinessConfidante #FreedomBusiness #FreedomFounders #Standards #MaintainingStandards #PersonalStandards #BusinessStandards


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