Let's Play Golden Sun 30: Saving Hsu and Lamakan Desert

Описание к видео Let's Play Golden Sun 30: Saving Hsu and Lamakan Desert

Now that Ivan has reveal, we can navigate Lamakan Desert with only a moderate amount of danger, considering that it'll still be full of enemies. While we could go and head there right now, the game gives you the option of helping to save Hsu. It's only a minor diversion and the reward isn't just the warm fuzzy feeling you get for doing good; you get some new dialogue in this game but the true reward doesn't come about until the sequel. Of course you can decide not to do that and head into the desert, but you'll be going there no matter what you decide.

Lamakan Desert is the first location in the game where there's something you need to track while walking around, in this instance your heat. If it gets too high the whole party takes damage which can make combat far more perilous and consumes your psynergy points in needless healing. Having reveal will help us mitigate that by revealing the oases hidden in the desert which'll help Isaac and his friends cool down.

It'll also allow us to find all the loot hidden in the desert, as what's an outside dungeon without loot in red wooden treasure chests lying around in the sand? Come to think of it, why are there red wooden treasure chests scattered around a desert?


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