Unboxing a Sony FDR-AX53 (with too much attention to unrelated details...)

Описание к видео Unboxing a Sony FDR-AX53 (with too much attention to unrelated details...)

This is me unboxing a Sony AX53 that I received on February 15 (really took me a week before I edited this, and nearly another before I put it up...). I recorded this with a Sony PJ790 that I got a few months earlier, and as I point out in text, the noise from the gimbal is REALLY annoying. Getting an AX53 to begin with (and a brand new one, at that) was unexpected to begin with, as on eBay these go for quite a bit, and brand new from an actual electronics store is even more ridiculous (how does $1100 sound?). When an event happens to you that is rather difficult to explain WITHOUT getting personal, I guess something like this is to be expected. It's not like I really wanted it either-- I already had a good selection of camcorders (albeit as I go through in the post-unboxing section, their microphones aren't great, so this is still great to have anyway). Not to mention I don't see these in the local stores anymore, so seemingly the only stock is that which you have to buy online.

I go off-track a lot during this video. I really wanted to make it clear how much of an improvement this would be though. Not to mention that it's brand new, so I won't need to worry about it being broken.

About that lens cover being unexpectedly open, well, that seems to have been the only issue. Thus far, I haven't experienced anything wrong with it in the now 2 weeks I've owned the thing.

I obviously won't do specific types of video with this. The versatility of this thing (can you believe a 5Mbps mode exists???) means that it'll be my main camera for just about anything for a while. Case in point, one of the first things I made it do was a 2 hour recording for a main channel video. And I didn't even have to worry about it, because of the big battery I got for it (which at first was supposed to be for the PJ790).

0:00 Out-of-order note
0:10 Background, and other camcorders
1:19 Features (on the box, that is)
4:46 Actually unboxing it
6:53 The big reveal (and lens cover surprise)
8:53 A look at the camera
11:04 Turning it on
15:52 End section, which is about my other camcorders

I don't particularly care about how bad of a first shot at videos this is right now, because, well, I haven't done this in quite a while. Just don't expect me to get something up tomorrow... or next week... I feel no need to be consistent anymore. If life ends up taking me out of making videos again, that's fine.

Hmm, that wasn't a great way to end the description. Well, I am typing this on the spot, so maybe there's something I missed. Either way, at some point I'll make individual videos for the V770 and PJ790!


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