CHRISTMAS Cookbook Gift Ideas for the VINTAGE Cook! Plus Luncheon Surprise!!

Описание к видео CHRISTMAS Cookbook Gift Ideas for the VINTAGE Cook! Plus Luncheon Surprise!!

It's the last of our Christmas gift recommendations and this time we're talking vintage!! These are our favorite picks from the vintage cookbooks we've tested so far and we think any chef in your life who loves vintage food and recipes will love any of these. It was hard to pick a favorite but we finally narrowed it down and made another tasty dish for a luncheon surprise that turned out to be perfect for the cold day we were having. And also for the head colds we actually had!

Here's what you'll need for the recipe:
Hot Boiled Rice
Chicken Breast
Chicken Broth or Gravy
Quantity will depend on how many you have to feed. I used 2 chicken breasts and 2 c of rice and I filled all 12 muffing tins and still had some left!
Cream Sauce
3 T unsalted butter
3 T unbleached all-purpose flour
1-3/4 cups whole milk, heated
Salt and Pepper to taste
Butter each muffin tin. Fill with 1/2" of rice. Add minced chicken seasoned with salt, pepper, broth or gravy (I used the chicken broth from the pot after I boiled the chicken). Top that with more rice packing it firm. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.
For the sauce, heat butter in saucepan. Add flour and whisk briskly. Add heated milk whisking all the time to prevent burning. Reduce heat and simmer until thick. Season with salt, pepper and celery salt. Pour over rice "muffins" to serve.

Cookbooks in this video:
Runner's Up
The Lily Wallace New American Cookbook by Lily Wallace 1944
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New Delineator Recipes by The Butterick Publishing Company 1929
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The New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook by Louise Hagler and Dorothy Bates 1989
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Cooking with Columbo by Jenny Hammerton 2018
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Last Dinner on the Titanic by Rick Archbold and Dana McCauley 1997
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And the Winner!!!!!!!
Rufus Estes' Good Things to Eat by Rufus Estes by 1857
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