Age of Empires IV Japanese versus the Order of the Dragon

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Age of Empires 4: Japanese vs. Order of the Dragon

The Japanese and Order of the Dragon civilizations in Age of Empires 4 present a fascinating contrast in playstyles and strategies. Let's break down their key characteristics and how they might clash in a match:

Japanese Civilization

* Strengths:
* Powerful infantry units like Samurai and Ashigaru
* Efficient economy with low resource costs
* Strong defensive structures
* Weaknesses:
* Lack of cavalry
* Weak archers

Order of the Dragon Civilization

* Strengths:
* Powerful cavalry units like Hussars and Lancers
* Strong archers
* Unique abilities like the Dragon Spirit
* Weaknesses:
* Vulnerable to infantry units
* Expensive units

Matchup Analysis

The Japanese-Order of the Dragon matchup is a classic cavalry vs. infantry clash. The Order of the Dragon can use their cavalry to harass the Japanese and disrupt their economy, while the Japanese can use their infantry to defend their base and counterattack.

* Japanese Strategy:

* Focus on building a strong defensive base and producing large numbers of infantry units.
* Use their monks to heal troops and convert enemy units.
* Avoid open fields where the Order of the Dragon's cavalry can easily maneuver.

* Order of the Dragon Strategy:

* Use their cavalry to harass the Japanese and disrupt their economy.
* Produce archers to counter the Japanese infantry.
* Utilize the Dragon Spirit to provide temporary buffs to units or deal area damage.

Key Considerations

* Terrain: The terrain can significantly impact the matchup. Maps with lots of forests or narrow passages favor the Japanese, while open fields favor the Order of the Dragon.
* Unit Composition: The Order of the Dragon can mix their cavalry with archers to create a balanced force. The Japanese can supplement their infantry with monks for healing and conversion.
* Timing: The Order of the Dragon's cavalry can be a significant threat in the early game.
The Japanese need to defend their base and develop their economy quickly to counter this threat.

In conclusion, the Japanese-Order of the Dragon matchup is a balanced one that can be won by either side depending on the players' skill and strategies. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each civilization is essential for success in this matchup.


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