Parabolic Trough Solar Collector Water Heater 5

Описание к видео Parabolic Trough Solar Collector Water Heater 5

Here is a link to the next video in the series:
   • Parabolic Trough Solar Collector Wate...  
We have completed 2 parabolic troughs and the embedded computer control system that keep them aligned with the sun. In this video we can see all the components that move and control the collectors, including the chain drive that tilts the frame, and the all-thread screw drive that tilts the troughs. Not mentioned in this video is the inclinometer in the control box that gives the frame angle. Also the IR-beam-break-counter in the control box that counts the number of all-thread turns so we can calculate the trough angle. Credits and Kudos again to George Plhak, Daniel Rojas, and Duane Johnson for their inspiration and guidance. Feel free to contact me if you want more information. Andrew Ancel Gray


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