Western Student Misunderstandings of Buddhism: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Описание к видео Western Student Misunderstandings of Buddhism: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Dzogchen #Ponlop Rinpoche is the founder of the #Nalandabodhi meditation centers. He is the author of books such as:
— Rebel Buddha: A Guide to Revolution of Mind https://amzn.to/3COWGii
— Emotional Rescue https://amzn.to/3GV7KgC
— Mind Beyond Death https://amzn.to/3EMqahG
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Rinpoche was born at Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim, India, grew up there, and traveled with the 16th Karmapa to the West in 1980. His father was the General Secretary of the Kagyu lineage and worked tirelessly to execute Karmapa’s direction (including organizing the escape from Tibet with over 100 people across the Himalayas and managing the construction of Rumtek Monastery in India).

In addition to his traditional Buddhist training, Rinpoche attended Columbia University in New York City.


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