Shabbaton Choir - Tzur Mishelo / מקהלת שבתון - צור משלו

Описание к видео Shabbaton Choir - Tzur Mishelo / מקהלת שבתון - צור משלו

מן ההופעה של מקהלת שבתון בניצוחו של סטיבן ליוי במוצ"ש פקודי א' דראש חודש אדר ב' תשע"א / 5.3.11 בביה"כ המרכזי באלעזר
From the performance of the Shabbaton Choir directed by Stephen Levey on Motzei Shabbat Parshat Pekudei, First day of Rosh Chodesh Adar II 5771 / March 5, 2011, in the main Shul of Elazar

Tzur mishelo achalnu barechu emunai
Savanu vehotarnu kidvar Hashem

Hazan et olamo ro'einu avinu
Achalnu et lachmo veyeino shatinu
Al kein nodeh lishmo unehallelo befinu
Amarnu ve'aninu ein kadosh ka Hashem

Beshir vekol toda nevareich le'Eloheinu
Al eretz chemda tova shehinchil la'avoteinu
Mazon vetzeida hisbi'a lenafsheinu
Chasdo gavar aleinu ve'emet Hashem

Rachem bechasdecha al amcha tzureinu
Al tzion mishkan kvodecha zevul beit tifartenu
Ben David avdecha yavo veyigaleinu
Ruach apeinu meshiach Hashem

Yibaneh hamikdash ir tzion temalleih
Vesham nashir shir chadash uvirnana na'alleih
Harachaman hanikdash yitbarach veyitalleih
Al kos yayin malleih kevirkat Hashem

The Rock (God), whose food we have eaten, let us bless Him
We are satiated and there is still food left over, as God has said

He who nourishes His world, our Shepherd, our Father
We have eaten of His bread and drunk from His wine
Therefore we will thank Him and praise Him with our mouths
We said and answered there is no holy one like God

With song and words of thanks we will bless our God
For the desirable good land He bequeathed to our fathers
With nourishment and sustenance He has satisfied us
His grace has overwhelmed us and God is true

Have mercy in Your graciousness on Your nation, Our Rock
upon Tzion the dwelling place of Your honor, the Temple of our splendor
the son of David, Your servant, will come and redeem us
The breath of our life, Messiah of God

May the Temple be rebuilt; the City of Tsion will be filled
And there we will sing a new song and go up in song
The Merciful, Sanctified One will be blessed and exalted
Over a full glass of wine, with God's blessing


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