How Do Target Blocks Work? | NoobStone | Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.17/1.20 Redstone Tutorial

Описание к видео How Do Target Blocks Work? | NoobStone | Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.17/1.20 Redstone Tutorial

In the recent update of Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.17.30, the change log mentions that Target Blocks have been fixed. Cool! But... what does that mean? Besides being used for decorating, why would you want to use one? In this installment we take a look at what Target Blocks are, how they work, and why this is good news!

Redstone in Minecraft can be a bit confusing... especially in Bedrock Edition! If you have ever been confused by redstone builds but want to understand them better, NoobStone is for you! We look at different redstone concepts, components, and builds in easy to understand terms so we can understand how to build cool redstone contraptions!

Be sure to leave a comment below if you plan on trying out target blocks in your world.

0:00 - Intro
1:48 - Redstone Basics & What a Target Block Does
8:04 - Example of Using Target Blocks vs. Repeaters
12:53 - Comparing Delay of Repeaters vs. Target Blocks

#Minecraft #BedrockEdition #targetblocks #redstone


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