YVBG 20200726 Ben Moore Bens Bees Bees in Fiji and Penang

Описание к видео YVBG 20200726 Ben Moore Bens Bees Bees in Fiji and Penang

In our July 2020 webinar, over 60 joined live to hear Ben Moore of Ben's Bees share of his adventures in Fiji and Penang with beekeeping, as well as share his 30 years experience with bees.

Ben is an apiarist, environmentalist, father, food-lover and the owner of Ben’s Bees. Exposed to nature and farming from an early age, Ben has kept bees for nearly 30 years, starting Ben’s Bees over ten years ago. Since then, his company has expanded to include beekeeping, honey production, the safe rehoming of bee colonies, wasp removal, international mentoring, media and education. With a focus on ethical and natural beekeeping practices, Ben is committed to educating the community about bees and their vital connection to the environment and our everyday lives. Ben will be talking about his travels, with a focus on Fiji, and how those abroad keep their bees.


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