ArcGIS Data Driven Pages

Описание к видео ArcGIS Data Driven Pages

Data Driven Pages allow you to quickly and easily create a series of layout pages from a single map document.
A feature layer, or index layer, divides the map into sections based on each index feature in the layer and generates one page per index feature.
Creating Data Driven Pages
• Click the Setup Data Driven Pages button on the Data Driven Pages toolbar.
• Check the Enable Data Driven Pages check box.
• Check the default for Data Frame. If this is not the data frame you want as the main data frame for the Data Driven Pages, choose a different data frame from the drop-down menu.
• Check the default for Layer. If this is not the layer you want to use as the Index Layer, choose a different layer from the drop-down menu.
• Check the default for the Name Field. If this is not the field you want to use to name your page, then choose a different field from the drop-down menu.
• Select a field for Spatial Reference if you want to apply a rotation to each page. Otherwise, you can leave the default value of none.
• Export to PDF Format


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