Things Fall Apart Chapter 11

Описание к видео Things Fall Apart Chapter 11

As Okonkwo and his family relax after dinner, Chielo, the priestess, arrives unexpectedly, insisting on taking Okonkwo's daughter Ezinma to see the oracle. Despite Okonkwo's protests, Chielo takes Ezinma away, causing fear and distress. Ekwefi, Ezinma's mother, follows them secretly through the forest, fearing for her daughter's safety. As they journey, Chielo's path leads them far from home, causing Ekwefi to doubt their destination. Eventually, they return to the oracle's cave, where Ekwefi remains outside, anxious for Ezinma's well-being. Okonkwo later joins her, offering silent support, reminding Ekwefi of his strength and their shared history.


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