Krav Maga - Fighting Stance (Adjustments Based On Distance)

Описание к видео Krav Maga - Fighting Stance (Adjustments Based On Distance)

There's four main positions on your body that you adjust in your Fighting Stance depending the distance between you and your opponent:

1. Chin
2. Back/Shoulders
3. Hands
4. Legs

This video covers in great detail how to adjust these four positions to maximize the effectiveness of your Fighting Stance as well as how to conserve energy while training or sparring.

Additional videos and information about our self defense, fighting, and fitness programs are available at

The videos on this YouTube channel are NOT a replacement for actual instruction. They do not teach techniques, but instead isolate and fix problems within the technique or its individual components. The videos are designed to help the student who has already learned the technique under the instruction of a qualified instructor.

Important Note: These videos are specific to the techniques and curriculum taught to the students at our facility. Students from other Krav Maga schools and organizations are more than welcome to watch and use these videos and we hope they find them useful! However, variations may be taught that are different from the techniques taught at other Krav Maga locations. This doesn't mean one variation is wrong or the other is right. They are just variations...plain and simple. The most important question for any technique or defense should be this: Does it work for the individual who is performing it? As long as it does, then the technique or variation has merit, regardless of where it comes from! That's the number one principle that we emphasize at our school.


"Hello, this is Randall and Glenda with What I'm going to discuss in this particular video is how to adjust your fighting positioning properly based off the distance between you and your opponent.

So we'll pretend that Glenda is my opponent and we're both squared up in our fighting stance but we're really far away from each other. So far away, if I backup way up here, Glenda backs up a little bit, in order for her to punch, kick me, or pretty much do anything, she's going to have to take a really large step, if not a few steps, to be able to attack me. Which means I have plenty of time to see it coming. Now, the general rule is, you always hear instructors say 'always keep your hands up!', 'always keep your chin down!' Well, that's not entirely true. There is a little bit of bullshit behind that. Let me explain why. At this distance, what the fuck, I can stand here like this and unless she has like a stick or a gun or some shit, she's not, really can't do anything to me unless she gets closer. So anytime that like your neck is a little tired from keeping your chin down, or maybe your shoulders a little tired from sparring, especially if you've been doing a lot of hard rounds, you're not used to wearing big gloves, your shoulders get fatigued, well here's your chance to just lift your chin up, shake your arms out. Because from this distance, in order for Glenda to attack me, she's going to have to step in. So if Glenda does anything towards me I'll have plenty of time to see it coming. Do anything you want Glenda. Then I can put my hands up. But if she's out this far away, way far out here, I can relax. I can do anything I want..."

Krav Maga Worldwide Official Training Center - Self Defense * Fighting * Fitness - Pompano Beach, FL (South Florida).


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