Helsinki Loves Developers: 3D city models of Helsinki

Описание к видео Helsinki Loves Developers: 3D city models of Helsinki

The City of Helsinki has commissioned two next-generation 3D city models: a smart, semantic city information model and a visually high-quality reality mesh model. These models enable the calculation and visualisation of city analyses, for example on the possibilities of alternative energy sources, greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impact of traffic. The models can also be applied to the needs of businesses, tourism, navigation, rescue authorities, telecommunication network construction, building management and regional planning.

City of Helsinki is already using the models but these models are also available as open data for anyone to use freely - !

The 3D city model of Helsinki was the topic of February's Helsinki Loves Developers open data open office. During the open office, the city's specialists presented the 3D model and engaged in discussion over possible use-cases for the model.


klo 15.00 Welcome!
klo 15.10 The 3D city models of Helsinki
klo 15.30 Use cases
klo 16.30 Break
klo 16.45 Workshop: Brainstorming how to use the city models (and testing the models if wanted)
klo 17.30 Findings of the workshop and wrap up
klo 18.00 End of event

Video credit (filming and editing): Oudman Arend


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