From Car Sales, to Real Estate Deals!

Описание к видео From Car Sales, to Real Estate Deals!

Join Closer School to sign up more clients and get more deals

Jerry Guzman, a former car and medical sales professional, is a student of Jeff’s Closer School real estate sales training program. He initially struggled to close deals after entering the real estate investing community, but he found success after utilizing Jeff’s sales training. Now, Jerry is closing deals and looking to build his own real estate investing business to help others.

🚪 Jerry initially struggled with real estate sales despite having a strong background in car and medical sales. He found that his sales calls lacked structure and he wasn’t sure how to properly engage with sellers.
🧠 After joining Jeff’s Closer School, Jerry began to understand the importance of asking the right questions and focusing on the seller’s motivation. This helped him to build rapport and close deals.
📈 Jerry has closed three deals so far this year and is on track to reach his goal of four deals by the end of the year.
🤝 Jerry believes that Jeff’s Closer School is best suited for those who have already identified their target market and have a solid foundation in real estate investing.
🚀 Jerry’s future goals include acquiring properties and land, and he hopes to eventually use his experience to help other investors find success through coaching and mentoring.

Join Jerry and others in REI Closer School to level up your sales skills and close more deals now!

Check out the free sales training course produced by Jeff for your first calls!


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