Baccus Empire Faction Overview/Guide - Prophesy of Pendor [POP]

Описание к видео Baccus Empire Faction Overview/Guide - Prophesy of Pendor [POP]

Wiki link (I take most of my notes from there!):

Elite troops and how to best use them 1:14
Faction Knighthood Order 8:58
Most notable lords and their respective household troops 9:56

Notes about some troops from the wiki editor (thanks Gorvex!):

Empire Knights are bottom-tier factional nobles among the 6 cultures. Ravenstern, Sarleon and Pendor Knights, as well as D'Shar Noble Cavalry all perform better on the battlefield. In seiges though, they get an advantage over the first 3 for having ranged weapons. Fierdsvain Hersirs are somewhat on par with Empire Knights. Weaker mounts and throwing weapons, but better stats and melee weapons.

Gladiators can also be used for flanking the enemy archer line on a hilly battlemap (use the terrain and take cover until you reach them). But it requires a lot of supervision and micro, and does not work on all battlemaps of course. Therefore, I still agree that they are situational units, and you won't miss out much if you ignore these guys.

Empire Immortals work wonders if they have the numbers. If you've ever fought Obrist Heynrich without an overabundance of archers or cavalry archers, then you know what I'm talking about. But otherwise they are doubtful KO troops for their price if you don't want to have a foot-only playthrough. If you do however, then they are a great addition to your army.

Hope you guys Enjoy!


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