This Is Why People Adore Capybaras 誰もが赤ちゃんカピバラを愛する理由 為什麼每個人都喜歡小水豚

Описание к видео This Is Why People Adore Capybaras 誰もが赤ちゃんカピバラを愛する理由 為什麼每個人都喜歡小水豚


You can learn more about capybaras from my blogs at Capybara World on WordPress.

Please see my blogs: "A Pet Capybara, Should I Have One?" and "Capybara Facts and Information. Everything You Wanted To Know About Capybaras".

You can find me on Facebook at Capybara World and at LizDonguri Capaldi Capybara

您會聽到嬰兒Nadeshiko唱得如此美妙。她喜歡被寵愛。為什麼每個人都喜歡小水豚 Little 4-day-old Sasuke tries to climb on older brother Ko which Ko finds very pleasurable. Mature capybaras love the sensation of those tiny feet ruffling through their hair. While Marc is filming Sasuke, his little sister Nadishiko comes over, singing to signal that she would like to be petted. Nadishiko loves to be petted just like her father Kona, who came from a petting zoo in Osaka and, more than any other capybara I have ever met, adores to be petted. Nadishiko looks so cute as her hair rises blissfully and she rolls over in delight.

Sasuke on Ko Marc pets Nadishiko. Last 2 days 1 October 2019 081


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