核雕| Fruit core carving| 两度抑郁,只为方寸间的艺术

Описание к видео 核雕| Fruit core carving| 两度抑郁,只为方寸间的艺术

核雕 | 核雕是中国传统民间微型雕刻工艺。以桃核、杏核、橄榄核等果核及核桃雕刻成工艺品,已被列入第二批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。民间多以桃核雕刻,穿孔系挂在身上作为“辟邪”之用。有制成佩件、扇坠、串珠等为文人清玩。其艺术特点是在较小的果核上表现出复杂的题材,雕刻手法也细致入微。所刻有诗文或渔家乐、百花篮、罗汉等题材。
Fruit core carving | Core carving is a traditional Chinese folk miniature carving craft. Peach, apricot, olive and other fruit cores and walnuts carved into handicrafts have been included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists. Peach pits are often carved in the folks, and the perforations are hung on the body as an "exorcism". There are accessories, fan pendants, beads, etc. for the literati. Its artistic characteristic is to show complex themes on the smaller pit, and the carving techniques are also meticulous. Engraved with poems or fisherman music, hundred flower baskets, Luohan and other themes.


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