Analyzing the Areas of Influence with Thiessen Polygons using QGIS

Описание к видео Analyzing the Areas of Influence with Thiessen Polygons using QGIS

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Thiessen Polygons technique, which is also known as Voronoi Polygons, to analyze the area of influence. This specific tutorial provides an example of how the above technique can be used to compute the Thiessen weights to obtain the area-weighted rainfall for a watershed. The second part of the tutorial illustrates the methodology for carrying out the analysis for a bit of a complex case in which, the Voronoi Polygons technique is used to obtain the weights for each sub-catchment of the watershed.

The analysis is carried out by making use of the freely available open source QGIS 3 software.

#qgis3 #thiessen #voronoi


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