La Copa- BTS & Rondalye- A Tribute to VIP’s L3

Описание к видео La Copa- BTS & Rondalye- A Tribute to VIP’s L3

Tuesday in 21st Sunday of OT

Hebreo 4, 12

Aleluya! Aleluya!
Buhay ang salita ng D’yos,
ganap nitong natatalos
tanang ating niloloob.
Aleluya! Aleluya!

Let me share an Fb:

Here are 10 lessons from "The Language of Letting Go: Daily Meditations on Codependency" by Melody Beattie:

1. Letting Go of Control: Recognize that trying to control others and external circumstances is futile and often counterproductive. Letting go can lead to inner peace and healthier relationships.

2. Setting Boundaries: Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial for personal well-being. It helps to protect your emotional health and prevent codependent behaviors.

3. Self-Care: Prioritizing self-care is essential. Taking time for yourself and attending to your needs can improve your overall well-being and relationships with others.

4. Living in the Present: Focusing on the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, can reduce anxiety and increase happiness.

5. Acceptance: Accepting people, situations, and yourself as they are, rather than as you wish they were, leads to serenity. Acceptance does not mean approval, but it does mean letting go of resistance.

6. Trusting the Process: Trusting that things will work out as they should, even if it’s not in the way you envisioned, can bring a sense of calm and reduce stress.

7. Recognizing Codependent Patterns: Awareness of codependent behaviors, such as enabling or trying to fix others, is the first step towards changing these patterns and fostering healthier relationships.

8. Practicing Detachment: Learning to emotionally detach from others' problems and behaviors allows you to focus on your own life and well-being without being overwhelmed by others’ issues.

9. Forgiveness: Forgiving yourself and others for past mistakes is crucial for emotional freedom. Holding onto resentment only harms you and prevents healing.

10. Gratitude: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude can shift your focus from what's wrong in your life to what’s right, enhancing your overall outlook and mental health.

These lessons highlight the importance of self-awareness, self-care, and emotional health in overcoming codependency and fostering a more balanced and fulfilling life.


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