#12 Distinction between ohmic and non ohmic Resistor

Описание к видео #12 Distinction between ohmic and non ohmic Resistor

#12 Distinction between ohmic and non ohmic Resistor
#Distinction between ohmic and non ohmic Resistor
#1 concept of charge
   • #1 Concept of charge |10 th icse/cbse...  

#2 concept of electric current
   • #2 concept of electric current  

#3 flow of electric current in metals and electryte
   • #3 flow of current in metals and elec...  

#4 concept of potential and potential difference
   • #4 concept of potential and potential...  

#5 potential difference
   • #5 potential difference  
#6 concept of resistance
   • #6 Concept of resistance || electric ...  

#7 cause of resistance
   • #7 cause of resistance || concept of ...  

#8 Ohm's law
   • #8 Ohm's law (V=IR) || current electr...  

#9 Conductance (G)
   • #9 conductance (G) || current electri...  

#10 electric circuit (experimental verification of Ohm's law)
   • #10 electric circuit ( experimental v...  

#11 V-I garph
   • #11 V-I graph || current electricity  

Lec-10centre of gravity and balance point    • #10 uniform circular motion || accele...  
Lec-09 centre of gravity and balance point    • #09 centre of gravity and balance poi...  

Lec-08(B)centre of gravity of some regular object
   • #08Centre of gravity of some regular ...  

   • #07 Centre of gravity part-2 || force  

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Some universal laws📚📚📚📚
B.Sc. 3 paper-1👂🙉
   • Some universal laws ,chat-4, B.Sc-3 p...  

The statistical basis of thermodynamics 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚

   • The statistical basis of thermodynamics  

Special theory of Relativity 📚📚📚📚

   • Special theory of relativity b.sc 3  

Frame of reference 📚📚📚📚
   • B.Sc 3 Paper 1 frame of reference  

Electromagnet 📚📚📚📚
   • B.Sc. 2 years electromagnet paper-1  
Physics Time के यूट्यूब चैनल पर B.Sc. - 1 , 2 & 3rd फिजिक्स से रिलेटेड सभी प्रकार के प्रॉब्लम तथा वीडियो लेक्चर प्रोवाइड है आप यूट्यूब चैनल पर जाकर देख सकते हैं जो कि एक विश्वसनीय और authentic knowledge देता है
जिसका link भी नीचे दिया गया है👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

B.Sc -1
   • B.Sc-1 paper-1  

B.Sc -2
   • B.Sc. 2 years electromagnet paper-1  


   • B.Sc 3 Paper 1 frame of reference  

Behaviour of ideal gas and kinetic theory of gases class11
   • Behaviour of ideal gas and kinetic th...  

statistical basic of thermodynamics

   • The statistical basis of thermodynamics  

whatsapp group physics Time


Telegram group

#01 introduction
   • #01 Introduction || Maxwellian distri...  

#01 Oscillation (SHM)
   • #01 Oscillation (SHM) || Introduction...  

Some universal law
   • Some universal laws ,chat-4, B.Sc-3 p...  

Maxwellian distribution of speed in an ideal gas
   • Maxwellian distribution of speed in a...  

#Pressure exerted by the gas

   • #02 pressure exerted by a gas || Maxw...  

#introduction of Maxwellian distribution of speed in an ideal gas
   • #01 Introduction || Maxwellian distri...  

#01Oscillation (shm)
   • #01 Oscillation (SHM) || Introduction...  

#periodic motion
   • #Periodic motion || Oscillation (SHM)...  

#oscillatory motion
   • #Oscillatory motion || SHM || physics...  

#02 Turning effect of force || moment of force || torque ||class-10 || chap-01 Force

Chap-03 class-10 machine    • Class-10 machine chapt-3  

Refraction of light chap-4 class-10

   • Class -10 , cha-04 Refraction of ligh...   Spectrum chap-06 class-10

   • Chap-06 spectrum, class-10  

House hold circuit chap-09 class-10

   • Class 10 House hold  

Electric current

   • Class-10 Electric Power and Household...  

   • Class-10 current electricity  


   • Class-10 Electromagnetism  
#physics Time
#physics time
#physics time anjani


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