trust, gratitude, detachment subliminal

Описание к видео trust, gratitude, detachment subliminal

Hi 🫶🏼

My tips for using subliminals
🎀use at low to medium volume
🎀loop overnight
🎀listening while, sleeping, doing chores and working out
🎀stay hydrated
🎀listen consistently for a minimum of 2 weeks or until you see results

Every subliminal on my page has an added layer of affirmations to help remove/heal limiting beliefs and blockages

"I trust that the universe is guiding me towards my highest good."
"I am open to receiving the abundance that the universe has in store for me."
"Everything in my life is unfolding perfectly, even if I can’t see it right now."
"I trust the timing of my life and embrace the journey with patience and faith."
"The universe supports me in every way, and I am aligned with its positive energy."
"I release control and surrender to the flow of the universe, knowing I am always supported."
"I am in harmony with the universe and trust that it is working in my favor."
"The universe is conspiring in my favor, and I trust its plan for me."
"I am at peace with the unknown and trust that everything will work out for my highest good."
"I trust the process of life and have faith that the universe is always guiding me towards my purpose."
"I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life every day."
"I appreciate the small and big blessings that surround me."
"My heart is open to receiving and giving thanks for all that I have."
"I find joy in every moment and am thankful for the experiences life brings."
"Gratitude fills my mind, body, and spirit, creating positivity in my life."
"I am grateful for the people who enrich my life and the lessons they teach me."
"Each day, I acknowledge and give thanks for the gifts of love, health, and happiness."
"I am thankful for the challenges that have made me stronger and wiser."
"I celebrate the beauty in my life and express gratitude for all that I am and all that I have."
"My life is full of blessings, and I choose to focus on the positive and be grateful."
"I release attachment to outcomes and trust in the flow of life."
"I let go of what no longer serves me and embrace what is meant for me."
"I am free from the need to control every aspect of my life."
"I find peace in surrendering to the present moment and trusting the process."
"I detach with love and trust that everything is unfolding as it should."
"I allow myself to be at peace regardless of external circumstances."
"I am centered and calm, knowing that I am in alignment with my true self."
"I release the need for validation and embrace my own worthiness."
"I am flexible and open to new possibilities, unburdened by rigid expectations."
"I trust that the universe is guiding me and I am safe in its care."
"I trust that my manifestations are on their way, and I release any need to control the outcome."
"I let go of attachment to specific results, knowing that the universe is working in my favor."
"I am at peace with the timing of my manifestations and trust that they will come to me at the right moment."
"I release any expectations and embrace the journey with faith and openness."
"I trust that what is meant for me will come to me effortlessly and naturally."
"I am grateful for the manifestations I have and am open to receiving even more without attachment."
"I release the urgency and surrender to the flow of life, knowing my desires are being fulfilled."
"I focus on enjoying the present moment and let go of attachment to the end result."
"I trust that the universe knows what is best for me and aligns with my highest good."

DISCLAIMER: intended for entertainment purposes ONLY. And all thumbnails are photos from Pinterest feel free to comment for credit xoxo

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Subliminal, subliminal channel, manifestation, manifest, reprogram your brain, self improvement, law of attraction, change your life, success subliminal, money subliminal, clear skin subliminal, reprogram your brain while sleeping, spirituality, wellbeing, glow up subliminal, trust subliminal,detachement subliminal,gratitude subliminal


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