June 2024 | Minnesota Million: Reforestation for Carbon Sequestration

Описание к видео June 2024 | Minnesota Million: Reforestation for Carbon Sequestration

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June 2024 | "Minnesota Million: Reforestation for Carbon Sequestration" w/ guest Julie Etterson of the University of Minnesota Duluth

Reforesting one million acres in Minnesota could draw down 1.6 million tons of C02 annually while simultaneously benefitting water resources, habitat, and resilience to extreme events such as intense rainfall and heatwaves. The will to do this will not be enough, though, unless we develop ways to grow enough conservation-grade tree seedlings to meet reforestation demand. Join us for this episode to hear how one effort underway at the University of Minnesota Duluth aims to increase the capacity of farmers and tree nurseries to produce tree seedlings and, in turn, scale up forest restoration potential across their state.


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