Dive into the cult classic How High (2001), a stoner comedy masterpiece directed by Jesse Dylan. This laugh-out-loud film stars hip-hop legends Method Man and Redman, who bring their unmatched chemistry to the big screen. The story follows two underachievers who use a magical plant to ace their college entrance exams and land themselves in the prestigious Harvard University. Packed with humor, outrageous antics, and a touch of cannabis culture, this film is a must-watch for fans of urban comedies and hilarious college adventures. Don’t miss the unforgettable supporting performances from Mike Epps, Anna Maria Horsford, and Obba Babatundé.
Genre: Comedy, Stoner Comedy, Urban Comedy
Director: Jesse Dylan
Stars: Method Man, Redman, Mike Epps, Anna Maria Horsford, Obba Babatundé
/ @films2_watch
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#HowHigh #Redman #MethodMan #ComedyMovie #StonerComedy #CultClassic #CannabisComedy #FunnyMovies #HipHopComedy #2000sMovies #CollegeMovies #UrbanComedy #MovieLovers #HowHigh2001 #ComedyFans #FilmCommunity #ClassicComedy, #HowHighMovie #HowHigh2001 #Redman #MethodMan #StonerComedy #CannabisCulture #HipHopComedy #JesseDylan #ComedyClassics #FunnyMovies2000s #UrbanComedy #CollegeMovies #CultClassic #MarijuanaMovies #RapAndComedy #IconicScenes #ClassicFilms #CannabisHumor #MovieLovers #ComedyFans #HipHopInFilm #HilariousMoments #FilmTrivia #HowHighFans
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