Rabi-Ribi: Forgotten Maiden All Phases NONSTOP Impossible-Incredibly Intense [No Consumables/Buffs]

Описание к видео Rabi-Ribi: Forgotten Maiden All Phases NONSTOP Impossible-Incredibly Intense [No Consumables/Buffs]

Forgotten Maiden on Impossible + Incredibly Intense + NO Checkpoints + NO Consumables or Buffs used! - This fight is SO DAMN AWESOME, I absolutely love how this run ended up being! So freaking intense alright. Truly a fitting Finale for the Impossible No Consumables/Buffs Run!!!

Its the Grand Finale of the game and I believe the video will speak better about the patterns than my walls of texts- That said, much of what I did on the BEX version surprisingly still applies here. The bullet density and speed is a lot more harsh, of course.

Another thing I believe its noticeably harder to manage from BEX is the Erina/Ribbon lock bar. I think its even worse here, I dont remember it being this sensible on BEX...

Phase 1 is speedup so most likely EriNoah will be able to get further into her pre-HUD attack patterns.
Post-HUD [2:48] Patterns are actually somewhat doable, I think most of them are- and if you cant dodge them, theres always Rainbow Boost for reduced damage + Amulet Cut. For the most of the part, its not a huge issue.

Phase 2 [7:30] Is pretty funny here: Its also speedup, and it kinda breaks some of the attacks, and actually makes it easier at certain points. Most of this phase isint a huge issue, except the 8:25-8:48 part (Already arguably the hardest part on BEX) which is just a nasty mess of various attacks going on at once and you will most likely either have to Amulet through most of this chaos, or tank with Fairy Flute.
Always remember to dodge the last Amulet from EriNoah [9:13] with Super Carrot/Amulet to prevent Attack Down debuff.

Phase 3 [9:19] Is the actually hard one. Its simply filled with mostly hard as heck patterns, just got to dodge/tank to the best of your ability. You will get Healing every now and then (Based on damage done to EriNoah... I think), use this wisely because you will definitely need it to recover.

Final Bullet Hell Endurance Phase [13:57] Doesnt seem to be all that much harder? It seems to be about the same to me- Heck, I think it may even be slightly easier?... It probably helps that unlike my BEX attempt, I now use Amulet Cut in this part as well.

But I think my absolute favorite moment of this fight has GOT to be [12:02]

Music looped to its calm beginning once again.
I accidentally trapped myself, I panicked. After using all of my remaining Amulets, I managed to dodge the first donut (Sorry man but... thats cleary a donut. I call them donuts at least), only to be trapped by the center donut- and I had 1 HP.

I realized I basically doomed myself, theres was no escape, no possible way to get out of this. In a last ditch attempt I used a Super Carrot, but I knew that was only delaying the inevitable, death was imminent and there was nothing I could do about it.

At that exact moment, I thought "Welp, thats it, run dies here, dang" I essentiality gave up at this point...


Yes, as if it were some sort of miracle, Hex Cancel proced at the PERFECT moment, giving me a second chance!
"Oh, thats pretty nice, but I still have 1 HP I dont think I will survi"-

THEN right as she is about to leave [12:23] I manage to get Healing from EriNoah, thus the run is very much alive!
AND this happens right as the music starts up its epic part-almost as if the game itself was saying "Dont give up, keep fighting!"

I literally got goosebumps. That moment man. THAT MOMENT. I loved this fight. I love this game. Goddamn.

Despite how great the fight was, if I had to rate it purely in difficulty, Its actually not the hardest fight in this Impossible No Consumables/Buffs run- that "Prize" goes to Fairy Duo.
Then Irisu follows in a comfy 2nd place for hardest boss.
Both of them probably took 30-50+ serious attempts. EriNoah barely took 10 or so (Granted, it can be argued I got a lucky early win, such as the aforementioned Hex Cancel miracle...)
So, its been proven!!!

The entire game (Chapter 1 to 10) is perfectly beatable on Impossible without a single Consumable or Buff!
This is essentiality a 100% file, too (I dont count BNA bosses, these are more like bonus boss fights. Story-wise the game is truly over, so I consider it 100%´d).

If you really really enjoy the gameplay of this game and also really really REALLY enjoy challenging stuff, often bordeline insane challenges, I fully recommend this, it was a very fun experience and I learned so many new things while doing so!

Theres only 1 fight I would consider borderline unfair/highly luck dependent (Fairies...) the rest is actually pretty fair if you know what you are doing, especially for something that is called "Impossible"

I think we can conclude by saying its a pretty well balanced difficulty considering its only "experimental" and non-official.

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