Giving From The Heart by TB Joshua

Описание к видео Giving From The Heart by TB Joshua

The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, delivered a double-pronged encouragement. One had material but very significant undertones while the other was a scriptural injunction that will always benefit those who walk in the ways of God. Advising people about WATER THERAPY, the man of God highlighted the quintessential nature of water to the life of man. According to the man of God, water is the only drink that has no disadvantages. “There is nothing you drink apart from water that does not have disadvantages. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. There is no man’s natural gift – there is none that does not have disadvantage. It is only God that gives without disadvantage”. This noble quality of water emanated from its therapeutic nature and capacity to act as a cleanser. Water helps flush the system of unwanted waste and equally helps in the regulation of body temperature. Water plays many vital roles in safeguarding the human health and therefore becomes one of the most infallible gifts from God to mankind.

Speaking about GIVING, the man of God delved into the indestructible spiritual essence of giving. However, the man of God explained that in giving, the giver must do so with a pure heart. He/she must give from the heart. It is only on that basis that what is being given becomes useful and capable of attracting blessings from God: “If you give something from your heart, it will bless you that gave it and it will also bless the person you are giving to. If you give something that is not from your heart, you that gave it have nothing to gain and the person you gave it to will receive a curse. If you give something from your heart, you will receive a double portion of what you give. If you give your own time, strength from your heart, double portion of it you will receive. When you get back home and there are possessions that you are not using, sell those things and share them to the poor, see how the Lord will bless you. Sell those possessions and set up a charity and the finger of God will begin to fight for you”.

Concluding, the man of God frowned against money-mongering in its totality, stating that anyone who is looking for money should seek direction from God: “When you are looking for money, you should also look for direction, what sort of money am I looking for?”


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