Resto Shaman M+ Guide | Advanced Guide & Tips

Описание к видео Resto Shaman M+ Guide | Advanced Guide & Tips

Restoration Shaman has seen the most play out of any other healer in Mythic+ this season. Our advanced guide goes over how to play Restoration Shaman in high-end m+ as well as some helpful tips and tricks for specific healing checks in dungeons. We'll also go over how to conserve your mana a bit better and ultimately keep your team alive so you can push high keys this season.
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00:00 Intro
00:47 What makes rsham strong in mythic+
02:56 Farseer vs Totemic
04:58 Totemic Talent Build
06:01 Farseer Talent Build
07:44 Class Tree Talents
8:56 Healing and Dps rotations and how to mix max
17:13 How to use your cd's and conserve mana
19:20 Tips for healing checks in dungeons
25:35 Must have WA's and Addons
26:22 Thanks for watching!

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