Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman-大海航行靠舵手 A red song from the Cultural Revolution

Описание к видео Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman-大海航行靠舵手 A red song from the Cultural Revolution


Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman (or:大海航行靠舵手) is a Chinese Communist Red Song from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

dà hǎi háng xíng kào duò shǒu,

wàn wù shēng cháng kào tai yáng.

yǔ lù zī rùn hé miáo zhuàng,

gàn gé mìng kào de shì máo zé dōng sī xiǎng.

yú ér lí bù kāi shuǐ ya,

guā ér lí bù kāi yāng.

gé mìng qún zhòng lí bù kāi gòng chǎn dǎng.

máo zé dōng sī xiǎng shì bù luò de tai yáng.

Or in English:

Sailing the Seas depends on the Helmsman,
Life and growth depends on the Sun,
Rain and dew drops nourish the crops,
Making revolution depends on Mao Zedong thought.
Fish can't do without water,
No melons do without vines,
The Revolutionary Masses can't do without their Communist Party,
Mao Zedong thought is the Sun that forever shines!

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May God bless you!


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