The Future of Work in the Era of Automation and Artificial Intelligence by Surya Prakash Mohapatra

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The Future of Work in the Era of Automation and Artificial Intelligence: Navigating Disruption, Innovation, and the Role of HR

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the future of work is undeniably tied to advancements in automation and artificial intelligence (AI). These technological breakthroughs are set to transform industries, redefine jobs, and reshape workforce dynamics. While the possibilities may seem endless, they also come with a fair share of challenges, uncertainty, and concerns. As we stand at the cusp of this revolution, it becomes essential to understand what the future holds, especially from the perspective of organizations and human resources (HR). In this context, Surya Prakash Mohapatra, Head of Talent Skilling at Wipro Enterprise Futuring, shared his thoughts on how the future of work will evolve and the critical role HR must play in facilitating this transformation.

The Emerging Future of Work: Excitement, Worry, or Living in the Present?

When contemplating the future of work, individuals tend to fall into different mindsets. Some are optimistic, seeing this transformation as a period of great innovation, where they can shine and make significant contributions. Others feel worried about the changes, wondering how it will affect their roles and careers. Yet, there are those who prefer not to think too far ahead, focusing on the present and dealing with challenges as they arise.

This diversity in perception underscores the complexity of the current landscape. While some are eager to embrace new opportunities, others grapple with the fear of uncertainty. The truth is, however, that the future of work is already being shaped by several key factors: disruption, demographic shifts, resource scarcity, and climate change.


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