333: Why You’re Stuck On The Feast Or Famine Roller Coaster (And How To Get Off)

Описание к видео 333: Why You’re Stuck On The Feast Or Famine Roller Coaster (And How To Get Off)

Are you stuck on the world's worst rollercoaster? You know, the one that goes from feast to famine every few months?

If your freelance business is 100% relying on referrals and word of mouth, you might have unknowingly fallen into what I call the "Word of Mouth Death Trap"—where your income swings wildly, and you’ve got zero control.

In this week's episode of 6 Figure Creative, I break down why this happens and, more importantly, how you can escape it. The solution? It’s all about controlling your inputs to create predictable outputs...

Sounds boring, but the results are not.

Learn the six strategies to take control of your client acquisition and build a business that doesn’t leave your financial future up to chance.

For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/333


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