Spray of Round Up on 3 gene cotton in Ayub Research Faisalabad || Crop Reformer

Описание к видео Spray of Round Up on 3 gene cotton in Ayub Research Faisalabad || Crop Reformer

Glyphosate should be sprayed at 5-6 leaf stage that is 35-45 days after sowing of Roundup ready cotton. Good sources of glyphosate like Roundup of Bayer Monsanto and Topcare of Jaffer Agros prove fully safe on 3 G varieties of cotton crop. Substandard sources may lead to phytotoxicity and growth reduction. Cool weather should be preferred for the spray of glyphosate.
Selection of variety is one of the major factor on which production of crop relies on. There are hundreds of varieties of cotton available in the market. To choose the best one to cultivate is a major decision for getting better production of cotton. Production technology of cotton is now dependent on the selection of best variety. Now a days, triple gene types are available and advertised vastly. These varieties have their unique characters of resistance against different insects that saves our crop and becomes economical in the absence of different pesticides. Moreover, glyphosate herbicide can also be applied on these types of varieties to control herbs and weeds.



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