Reconstructive periodontal plastic surgery in the esthetic zone using the Zuchelli technique

Описание к видео Reconstructive periodontal plastic surgery in the esthetic zone using the Zuchelli technique

Webinar by Giovanni Zucchelli

Prof. Zucchelli gives an overview of the classification and treatment options of gingival recession defects with special focus on the coronally advanced flap (CAF) technique.
Prof. Zucchelli is Professor of Periodontology at the University of Bologna and author of more than 100 scientific publications in the field of periodontology including a book on esthetic mucogingival surgery (Quintessence).

During the webinar he shows the stepwise surgical approach of the CAF- and modified CAF and its use in conjunction with mucoderm® and Emdogain®.

mucoderm® is a porcine 3-D regenerative collagen matrix resembling the native structure of the human dermis, designed to serve as a safe alternative to autologous connective tissue grafts. (
Straumann® Emdogain® is a well-researched, easy-to-apply gel containing enamel matrix derivative, which can supplement root coverage procedures to stimulate regeneration of the periodontium. (

More about Recession defects


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