처음 해본 유기견 봉사/광주 동물보호소/사지말고 입양하세요/volunteering at the animal shelter

Описание к видео 처음 해본 유기견 봉사/광주 동물보호소/사지말고 입양하세요/volunteering at the animal shelter

#광주동물보호소 #사지말고입양하세요 #유기견봉사

이번년도에 너무 해보고싶었던 봉사활동을 드디어 8월이 되어서야 했네요 ㅎㅎ
광주에 있는 동물보호소에 가서 봉사를 하고 왔습니다
영상 이쁘게 봐주시고
애완견을 키우고 싶다면 끝까지 책임질 마음으로
제발 사지 말고 입양하세요!

One of my goals this year was to do some volunteer work
I finally got around to it!
I went to the animal shelter in Gwangju
and helped out as much as they needed me to
I hope you enjoyed the video and
if you're looking to be a pet owner,
please adopt, don't shop
and please please please don't abandon your pets for any reason


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