Cable #1 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Описание к видео Cable #1 - Atop the Fourth Wall

I think this comic was really just a promotional piece to try to create fingerbeam technology.

Originally uploaded August 3rd, 2009.

TGWTG link:
Blip link:

RUMINATIONS: When I eventually release an episode for Atop the Fourth Wall, I need to give this episode its proper title - Cable: Blood and Metal #1. At the time, I didn't realize it was the first of a mini-series since I had seen other Cable #1 comics out there that I figured were just sporting an alternate cover. Not much to say about the comic that isn't said in the episode: the artwork is bad, the writing atrocious, and Stryfe is forever one of the worst designs for a supervillain ever.

I'm sure what's of greater interest to people is the ending, which not only features another Mechakara appearance, but one of the few times I've done the "character from the thing I'm reviewing" appears. I don't usually do it because there's only so much suspension of disbelief can be pushed with skits and storylines in reviews - many would have you believe that apparently all these different franchises are happening simultaneously with the "real" world of the reviewer, but that's never sat right with me. It's why I eventually gave an explanation for how Linkara had tech from Power Rangers, Star Trek, and etc. Hell, I was already using toys for it, so I might as well play into that.

But then there's this episode, which features me playing Cable. And of course Cable has a tin foil arm because, well, that's what I had to work with. The costume was really simple - painted cardboard for the shoulderpad, cardboard "X" symbol over a blue sleeveless shirt, and a marker to create the Cable eye scar. The goal of the appearance was more to establish Mechakara some more AND to get Linkara the BFG. If I recall correctly, my mother played the Mechakara arm that grabbed Cable at the end, filmed in my brother's old room (which had basically become a big storage closet and green-screen room for me), and the point of it was just to show that Mechakara wants to torture Linkara himself, wanting no one else to share in his machinations.

And nope, still hadn't figured out his backstory yet.


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