LF Live Webinar: Delivering the Future of Automotive Innovation with RISC-V

Описание к видео LF Live Webinar: Delivering the Future of Automotive Innovation with RISC-V

Vehicles are undergoing a period of massive evolution driven by increased levels of autonomy, new in-car experience and electrification, driving the automotive supply chain to deliver greater innovation while streamlining the product life cycle. RISC-V is the Open Standard Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) that uniquely scales across every in-vehicle compute application, cost effectively delivering the innovation and diverse compute requirements to power future generations of vehicles. Come and hear how:

The RISC-V ISA is already simplifying development and deployment of hardware and software innovation across vehicle ranges and models
The open and extendable nature of the RISC-V standard can enable the automotive supply chain to work together while at the same time fostering individual opportunities for innovation and differentiation
The RISC-V ecosystem is the source of a wide choice of technologies and expertise, enabling greater design freedom for any automotive compute development, from processor cores and verification, to software components and development tools, to safety and security


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