Biden's Border: A CBN News Original Production

Описание к видео Biden's Border: A CBN News Original Production

With a "mind-blowing" crisis intensifying on the U.S. border, journalists, politicians, and experts are sounding the alarm on an ever-metastasizing and dangerous dilemma. "Biden's Border," a CBN News Original Production premiering May 16 at 8 p.m. ET, merges on-the-ground accounts, astonishing footage, and personal testimonies to expose the dire conditions, human toll — and the implications for U.S. security and sovereignty.

"I think the first word that comes to mind is just mind-blowing. ... It was hard to take in the sheer amount of people crossing the border every day," video journalist Reid Klass proclaims in the documentary. "Seeing it in person makes you realize how astronomical the issue is."


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