Supporting Neurodivergent Teens and Young Adults through the Loneliness Epidemic

Описание к видео Supporting Neurodivergent Teens and Young Adults through the Loneliness Epidemic

This video was created to help other care providers understand the importance of neurodiversity-affirming care for their clients and patients.

In May 2023, The US Surgeon General released an 82-page advisory report on America's "Epidemic of Loneliness". In the report, he stresses the dire need for more and better social connection to improve individual health and function as well as the health and prosperity of our society.

IRL SOCIAL SKILLS supports America's neurodivergent teens and young adults—those most at risk for harm and both mental and physical health dysregulation due to isolation, social ostracization, and profound feelings of loneliness.

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IRL Social Skills is dedicated to supporting autistic, neurodivergent, and socially struggling teens, young adults, and their families. Our 16-week long social skills training programs offer the best way to short up lagging social and communication skills and transform loneliness to connection and support resulting in improved academic and work performance, better job opportunities, workplace advancement, and a vibrant, stable and loving system of social support.

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