Some FromSoftware Movement Deadzones

Описание к видео Some FromSoftware Movement Deadzones

Unfortunately I couldn't sync the inputs well so a direct comparison isn't as clear as I'd like.
First clip section is demonstrating the shape of the deadzone, the second, the diagonal/cardinal movement right around the deadzone, third, movement within restricted ranges, fourth, diagonal movement outside of restricted range.

OBS Studio for recording game footage and Inputs.
TitanTwo GtunerIV Device Monitor for Stick Input
Davinci Resolve for Editing.
These are the Xbox versions of every title, but I believe the deadzones are the same between platforms.

Music: Dark Souls 2 Main Menu Theme

0:00 Deadzone shape
0:34 Cardinal/diagonal movement right around the deadzone
1:03 Restricted diagonal ranges
1:18 Diagonal thresholds


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