Mega Man X2 - Morph Moth's Stage

Описание к видео Mega Man X2 - Morph Moth's Stage

Next up comes Morph Moth... one of the only multiple form mavericks in the whole series! He may be the only one, but I am not sure, I never played any X games beyond X6. The stage itself is interesting in theme at least, being a robotic junkyard with all sorts of discarded, broken down robots floating around. The stage itself is a little on the long side, but it is pretty fun overall.

Morph Moth himself is actually far more threatening in his cocoon form in a no damage run than in his moth form as the random spray of scrap metal going every which way is considerably harder to avoid than his predictable moth dust and lasers... He would likely be one of the harder bosses to go for buster only due to his sheer mobility and attack spam all over the screen.



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