The Good & Bad Points of Japan From A Foreigner's Perspective

Описание к видео The Good & Bad Points of Japan From A Foreigner's Perspective

This week’s video is going to be a bit different because it is going to be a response to a recent video made by another YouTuber about one of my recent videos, A love letter to Japan -    • A Love Letter To Japan {And Why I Can...  . Which for a small channel like mine was a huge hit! Daiki-san saw this video and reached out to say he really liked it and asked to post it on his YouTube channel, which of course said was no problem.

Daiki-san not only did that, but in fact had on a friend of his, and they debated their opinions on my video (   • 【特集】外国人から見た 日本の良い所と残念な所 / 残念な方を中心に......  ), whether the points I presented were accurate or now, which I thought was fantastic. They also brought up some valid rebuttals or maybe more accurately, complementary points to build upon the points I had made in my video.

So in this video I wanted to respond to their points and also do it with one of my very best friends, Gabriel who has lived in Japan for over 15 years, speaks fluent Japanese and currently works at Google, because I think you will find his experiences and insights into Japanese culture very interesting.


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