Webinar: Preparation for Compliance in International Protection Accommodation Services

Описание к видео Webinar: Preparation for Compliance in International Protection Accommodation Services

As detailed in their Annual Report 2022, HIQA undertook work and preparations last year to establish a regulatory function for the monitoring and inspection of International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS). The regulatory body carried out a number of pilot inspections in December 2022, which provided clarity on the monitoring processes in advance of the expected commencement of statutory monitoring in 2023. Although the timelines are not yet clear, what is without doubt is that regulatory monitoring by HIQA of IPAS is on the way.

Within this webinar, HCI discusses the use of Gap Analysis as a process to provide a realistic internal assessment of services against the National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process.

The webinar will look at the 6 defined stages of gap analysis to ensure a comprehensive approach that will ensure the outcome provides a valuable roadmap to, not only achieving compliance, but driving continuous improvement in the quality and safety of the service provided.

- Benchmarking compliance, the advantages to early preparation.
- Gap Analysis templates to support a comprehensive approach.
- Utilising the Gap Analysis Approach – the 6 Stages for Implementation and close out.


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