I'm Counting to 6 IS INCREDIBLY TERRIFYING | Horror Game

Описание к видео I'm Counting to 6 IS INCREDIBLY TERRIFYING | Horror Game

I'm Counting to 6 is the latest horror game from Emika Games. Emika games never fails to dissapoint and they absolutely delivered with "I'm Counting To 6". I'm Counting to 6 starts the player off in an mysterious village after they recently wrecked their car. In this horror game you must make your way around the area picking up note and gathering clues pertaining to an incident involving a kid who retaliated against several bullies who picked on him for for having a doll as his best friend.

Eventually you find yourself in one of the homes as the door locks behind you. As you explore the home looking for a way out, the scares begin to really unfold. This game delivers an onslaught of jumpcares and scary moments. Overall this game could have been a little longer in my opinion but it was very good and right on par with the likes of other emika games such as fathers day, september 7th and many others.


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