EXPECT MIRACLES - Manifest while you Sleep Meditation

Описание к видео EXPECT MIRACLES - Manifest while you Sleep Meditation

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Expect Miracles Meditation - Manifest while you Sleep Meditation

Intro: 0:00 - 4:30
Guided Meditation: 4:30 - 18:42
Positive Affirmations 18:42 - 3:00:00

Have you ever created a “self fulfilling prophecy”? Where you predict or prophecies that something bad is going to happen. You just have this negative feeling that you keep thinking about and it grows and grows and grows. You just know something bad is going to happen. It’s all you can think about. Then what happens? Something bad! And you tell yourself. “See I told you” I knew something bad was going to happen.
So what happened? Is that your instincts, your gut, was it fate, destiny? NO. What happened was, you Manifested your expectations. You created an expectation and your subconscious mind fulfilled this expectation. Because if you looked back at that bad outcome, you would realize that the decisions you made created that negative outcome because that is what you expected! You created the circumstances consciously in your mind then Manifested subconsciously in your reality.
This is what is called the Golem effect.
The golem effect is a phenomenon in which lower expectations of self and others leads to a poorer performance or outcome. Your negative expectations created negative results.

Now Ill tell you a different story. An elementary school in California ran a little experiment to test this theory of expectations. The teachers at the school were told who the gifted, highly intelligent children were. But the truth is, these “gifted” children were not actually intellectually gifted. They were chosen at random. Some may have had higher than average iq some average and some lower. It was completely random. At the end of the experiment, all of the children were tested on their academic ability. And the children who were randomly selected as the gifted children scored significantly higher. How did this happen? The children were no smarter than anyone else at the school, but they all scored higher than the rest. Well this is what is called the Pygmalion effect. Much like the golem effect where negative expectations create negative outcomes, the Pygmalion effect explains how positive expectations create positive outcomes. Not only on yourself but those around you. So if you think that your beliefs and thoughts don’t matter, think again.
Yes! It is your expectations that will subconsciously guide your actions and behaviors.
But the problem with this experiment is the fact that the teachers expectations were only as strong as their beliefs that what they were being told about these gifted children was the truth. They believed what they were being told.
If we are told something to believe that we know isn’t true, we aren’t going to change our beliefs or expectations so quickly.
This is where the power of meditation comes in. Through meditation , you are able to access your subconscious mind and use the power of suggestion to create powerful expectations. As you are falling asleep, that moment in between being awake and asleep, the mind is most susceptible to your suggestions. This is where you will plant your seeds of expectation. The expectation to be wealthy, the expectation to be healthy and fit, the expectation to be intelligent, the expectation to be in a wonderful and loving relationship. You can create the expectation for anything. And your subconscious mind will begin to manifest it into your waking reality.

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