Elephant Size Comparison: Living and Extinct | Elephant Evolution | Prehistoric Elephants

Описание к видео Elephant Size Comparison: Living and Extinct | Elephant Evolution | Prehistoric Elephants

Prehistoric creatures, Prehistoric mammals, Prehistoric Elephants, The Largest Elephant in the World

*I mistook Imperial mammoth (M. imperator) for Columbian mammoth (M. columia) at 3:15😅 However some recent studies indicate they are the same species.

*Pyrotherium was originally regarded as an ancestral to elephants, but later studies found it had no affinities with any existing animals.

†: extinct
Tall: at the shoulder
mya: million years ago

African Elephant, Amebelodon, Anancus arvernensis, Asian Elephant, Astrapotherium, Barytherium, Columbian mammoth,Deinotherium, Dwarf Elephant, Eritherium, Gomphotherium, Imperial Mammoth, Mammut, Mammuthus columbi, Mastodon, Moeritherium, Palaeoloxodon falconeri, Palaeoloxodon namadicus, Palaeomastodon, Phiomia, Phosphatherium, Pyrotherium, Stegodon, Stegotetrabelodon, Steppe Mammoth, Woolly Mammoth, Zygolophodon.

I am not sure whether the legendary Oliphaunt really existed🤔😁

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Images by
David Clode
Dmitry Bogdanov
Nobu Tamura
Tim Bertelink

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