33. - The BRUTAL Execution And Torture Of Anne Askew, Christian Martyr | Stretched on the rack ||

Описание к видео 33. - The BRUTAL Execution And Torture Of Anne Askew, Christian Martyr | Stretched on the rack ||

.The BRUTAL Execution And Torture Of Anne Askew
Christian Martyr - Anne Askew | Stretched on the rack until her tendons snapped
Anne Askew: The Most Barbaric and Brutal Execution of a Female by Catholic Church in 1546 ||
Anne Askew a young and brilliant women in her twenties, was able to read and preach Bible in English, was Executed by Catholic Church believers for her different views and faith. in the reign of Henry viii about 70 thousands protestants were
executed . she is the only female recorded who had been tortured in the Tower of London. Anne was the last Martyr to die under the reign of Henry viii.
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Christian Martyr - Anne Askew
Anne's last moments
Anne Askew | Stretched on the rack until her tendons snapped
Inside the Tower of London - Alice Tankerville

Dr Mooknayika प्रतिबद्ध है महिलाओं के अधिकार, उनके स्वास्थ्य,शिक्षा, तार्किक सोच को ज्यादा से ज्यादा उजागर करने के लिए। महिलाए समाज की वह स्तंभ हैं जिनपर दो दो परिवारों की बुनियाद टिकी हुई है, महिलाए स्वस्थ , शिक्षित, आत्मनिर्भर होंगी तो देश के विकास में बराबर का योगदान देंगी, और दिया भी है।
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Dr Mooknayika is about related to women rights ,socio-political issues .
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Rational attitude .
Perspective of strong ,independent and marginalized women as well .
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