Russia. Novosibirsk. Polina Pishchulina, 20, has been working as an assistant driver since January 14, 2021. The first eleven women who completed their training and completed an internship, from January 1, 2021, began working as assistant drivers in locomotive crews of long-distance and suburban passenger trains on the Russian Railways network. The opportunity for women to work as machinists and assistant machinists appeared due to changes made by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation to the list of professions available to women.
Russland. Nowosibirsk. Polina Pishchulina, 20, arbeitet seit dem 14. Januar 2021 als Beifahrerin. Die ersten elf Frauen, die ihre Ausbildung und ein Praktikum abgeschlossen haben, begannen ab dem 1. Januar 2021 als Hilfsfahrerinnen im Lokomotivpersonal von Fern- und Nahverkehrszügen im Netz der Russischen Eisenbahn zu arbeiten. Die Möglichkeit für Frauen, als Maschinistinnen und Maschinistinnen zu arbeiten, entstand aufgrund von Änderungen, die das Ministerium für Arbeit und Sozialschutz der Russischen Föderation an der Liste der für Frauen verfügbaren Berufe vorgenommen hat.
Россия. Новосибирск. 20-летняя Полина Пищулина работает помощником водителя с 14 января 2021 года. Первые одиннадцать женщин, завершивших обучение и прошедших стажировку, с 1 января 2021 года приступили к работе помощниками машинистов в локомотивных бригадах пассажирских поездов дальнего и пригородного сообщения на сети Российских железных дорог. Возможность для женщин работать машинистами и помощниками машинисток появилась благодаря изменениям, внесенным Министерством труда и социальной защиты Российской Федерации в перечень профессий, доступных для женщин.
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1. Novosibirsk Railway Station is the Main one.
2. Trains on the platform.
3. Assistant train driver of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina: "I decided to try my hand at the position of assistant driver, I know perfectly well that this is not a female profession at all, but I wanted to try my hand."
4. Assistant train driver of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina is going to work
5. Assistant driver of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina during the briefing for locomotive crews
6. Assistant driver of an electric train of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina during a pre-trip medical examination
7. Assistant train driver of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina: "The difficulty probably lies more in the fact that there is a number of some duties, it is the assistant driver with whom girls are probably more difficult to cope than men, that is, it is beating the electric train, for us it is still the most difficult, then there is in physical terms, it's hard for us to cope with it, and everything else is quite easy for me."
8. Assistant train driver of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina performs a technical inspection of the train before going on a flight.
9. Assistant train driver of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina during the flight from the station of suburban trains "Novosibirsk-Main" to the station "Toguchin".
10. Assistant train driver of the West Siberian Railway Polina Pishchulina: "Everyone in the team is positive, for them it's still some kind of innovation, because for so many years they have worked only in a men's team, and it's naturally strange for them to see us girls, to understand whether we can cope or not, and so everyone is ready to help, everyone helps, I advise everyone."
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