Lidl Plus App review – Is it a good app to save money?

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Today I will be reviewing the app of Lidl Plus, which was released very recently, at least here in Germany I would say that it exists since September more or less. And for those of you who might not be so familiar with it, Lidl plus is an app that you have on your phone, that would be the replacement of the classic physical loyalty cards that still exit in some supermarkets. The difference is that now you have it on your phone. And honestly speaking, I find it great that this transition is happening, I know that it is not the only supermarket chain doing this, but in general I find this much better. Not only it helps to hopefully generate less waste as no physical cards need to be produced, but also I find it much more convenient. In the past I always had to remember to take the card with me when I was going shopping, but I very often forgot it. Now, it is in my phone, and since this is something that all of us carry all day every day, no matter where I am at or if I one day improvise and end up going to the supermarket, I know I will have it with me. But that’s said, let’s go into the app and check it out.

Comparison prices Lidl Germany vs Lidl Spain:    • Lidl Germany vs Lidl Spain – Which on...  

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